Golden Valley Classic Gerry Holdstock Trial

Cowcombe Nr Chalford
Saturday and Sunday 5-6/July/2025 with over night camping
Entry £24 payable per day online or via Chq.
First Bike away: Saturday 12:00hrs/Sunday 10:30hrs
Online Form scroll Click here or click here for downloadable postal form

How to enter:
The entry fee £24 per day
. Please use the below form to register to riding in the event, numbers maybe limited. You will be contacted via email to complete your entry, rider number etc. Paying online via Bacs or Chq. Each rider/Sidecar crew must register using an online entry form or postal form. Note the joining email will be sent out 2 to 3 day prior to the event. Please be patient.

Detail in your entry email:
As the guidelines can change full instruction will be included in your entry email sent just before the event, You will also be designated your rider number for each day and complete your AMCA signing on & Motor cycle sport indemnity form. You may use the club contact form if you have any questions. Thank you.

Class A Pre-70 4 stroke British Bikes + Pre70 British 2 Strokes,
Class B Rigid Bikes,
Class D Twinshock Bikes, 
Class F Pre-70 British Sidecars = Modern Sidecars, 
Class G Green Route any of the above but can enter section via start and exit via finish marks taking any route.

NOTE: Please be sensible in picking your route / your ability, we WILL NOT change your route on the day as the scoring sheets are pre-printed prior to the event.                                  

    ---Note--- You should get a reply email if you enter your email address correctly

    Riders Name (required)

    Passengers Name if sidecar

    Riders Email Address(required)You should get a reply email

    Please Repeat Riders Email Address(required)

    Event you are entering

    [Golden Valley Classic Gerry Holdstock Trial Cowcombe 5-6/July/2025]

    Riding Days (Please select from List)

    Riders Address plus any Notes i.e. Names of who else you will be paying for(required)

    Riders Telephone Number(required)

    Riders MotorCycle(required)

    Riders Class British Bikes, Twinshocks and Sidecars only(Class List on website)(required)


    Class A Pre-70 4 stroke British Bikes + Pre70 British 2 Strokes,

    Class B Rigid Bikes,

    Class D Twinshock Bikes,

    Class F Pre-70 British Sidecars = Modern Sidecars,

    Class G Green Route any of the above but can enter section via start and exit via finish marks taking any route.

    Riders Route(required)

    AMCA Trial Licence Holder


    Pay by BACS or Chq via post to the entry secretary?

    Please Confirm £24 per day

    Please input this 4 digit code: captcha

    You may have to refresh the page for the code to show (Push F5):